here is some of my works
Organization web-site. The work is done using HTML5 and SCSS. Flex and mediaquery are used. The principle of adaptive layout is applied.
Look at this workOrganization web-site. The work is done using HTML5 and SCSS. Flex and mediaquery are used. The principle of adaptive layout is applied.
Look at this workLight shop web-site. The work is done using HTML5 and SCSS. Flex is used. The principle of "rubber" layout is applied.
Look at this workExpoforum web-site. The work is done using HTML5 and SCSS. Flex is used. The principle of static layout is applied.
Look at this workRestaurant web-site. The work is done using HTML5 and SCSS. Flex is used. The principle of static layout is applied.
Look at this workThe work is done using HTML5 and CSS3. Flex is used. The principle of static layout is applied. To see second page of this work press "SEE OUR WORKS" button in template
Look at this workThe work is done using HTML5 and CSS3. The principle of static layout is applied.
Look at this work